<aside> <img src="/icons/add_pink.svg" alt="/icons/add_pink.svg" width="40px" /> The world is on fire, and because of the power of The Dollar, things aren’t really being done about it.


The world doesn’t quite feel as advanced or progressive as it could be. Even in our “first-world” nation, human rights are eroding and money dismisses science. We’re living in an engine that converts our human spirit into digital numbers - numbers that many of us have come to believe mean more than the humans themselves. We slave away for companies that see us as expendable, and we surround ourselves by media that treats us like digital lab rats - subjecting us to streams of content from algorithms designed to keep us scrolling, clicking, liking, and buying.

We’ve grown up with the same movies and media as the rest of you; the ink laden pages of novels and the light off silver screens has given us glimpses into what more advanced, more progressive, and more enlightened forms of humanity could look like. Virulent Software is going to do whatever it can to help us all get there.